Rapé Nukini Rawni
Current stock: 8 ks
Weight: 7 g
Rawni Nukini Rapé is a unique blend crafted for ceremonial use in accordance with Nukini tradition. The Nukini people often combine it with Rumã when drinking their sacred Ayahuasca, allowing them to navigate the subtle realms of their untouched Amazon rainforest and connect with their ancestors. When used regularly, this Rapé serves as a gentle medicine that subtly opens the higher senses, increasing sensitivity to one’s surroundings.
In the words of its creator, our dear Fatima Nukini:
"Rawni aids in spiritual cleansing processes and deepens ancestral studies, unlocking new levels of knowledge."
This remarkable Rapé is made by Fatima Nukini, who lives deep in the forest in the tranquil village of Recanto Verde (Green Corner). A true sanctuary of peace and harmony, it is located eight hours by boat into the jungle, near the first foothills of the Andes Mountains on the border with Peru.
The Nukini tribe is a small community of several villages. They use rapé the same way most other tribes do, for clarity, healing, against stress, and in ceremonies with or without Ayahuasca. This tribe is not very well known but their high quality Rapé has been changing that. People appreciate it for its freshness, purity and its fine consistency.
Haux! Haux!
This product is an insence and not ment for ingestion. We don't claim that this product has any healing properties. This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is supplied without express or implied fitness for a particular purpose. All information provided is for educational, scientific, ethnographic and historical research purposes only. All products are sold as botanical samples only with no express or implied claims for a specific purpose or use. The use and use of this product is at the discretion, responsibility and risk of the customer.