Rapé Veija de Paje (VDP)
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Weight: 7 g
Country: Brazil
Veia de Pajé (Shaman's Life) is a rapé prepared by friends from the Kuntanawa tribe.
- releases negative thoughts and aggression
- regulates the heartbeat
- relieves fatigue and pain
- it is used for various "spells" in the embrace of Mother Nature
- it protects us from negative energies and attracts positive ones
- it gives the direction of a good flow of thoughts connected with spirituality and alchemy
Kuntanawa Heart of the Boa is made from natural Sabia tobacco, ash from the Sapota tree and a vine called "boa's heart". Sapota is an ash that is very soft to the nose. It gets its name because of the heart shape of the leaves. The vine is also called "Shamans Vein" or in Portuguese it is Veia de Pajé. In their tradition, medicine keeps the negative at bay and attracts the positive. Protects against jealousy and spiritual attacks.
In the words of the creator:
“This is a very reserved and powerful blend. Therefore, those who use this medicine must do so with clarity and intention in order to achieve spiritual alchemy in a good dimension."
Kuntanawa Hapé and medicine
Most of the medicines that the Kuntanawa use in Rapé are also used to make herbal baths and medicinal teas. The art of herbal baths for spiritual cleansing, physical healing and magical purposes is a very common indifferent Brazilian religious practice. It comes from both indigenous and African influences on Brazilian mystical popular culture. It is very interesting how cultures that probably never had contact in the past share very similar concepts in understanding the non-physical. And just on a side note, never say never, who knows who sailed where in the past, but that's another story.
They use this particular one to attract good things, love and the success of a good hunt, and generally to bring luck and prosperity. However, the creator recommends focusing the mind on the good intentions that a person wants to achieve, and not calling what he does not want. It is always good to use Rapé Sacred Snuff with a positive intention in your mind.
Haux! Haux!