Current status: not in stock
Weight: 7 g
Country: Brazil
Caneleiro Rapé is one of our most popular. In our experience, it helps people clear old painful memories of the past and focus on the present moment with intended intention. He is a master in clearing deep topics, a very powerful helper for working with sick smoked lungs on a physical level and an opener of the heart chakra on a subtler level.
Caneleiro brings a really strong energy, it is suitable for awareness of space, presence and taking the energy back to yourself inside (heart). It can help us to free ourselves from anxiety or tension because the spirit of the plant itself is very peaceful.
This plant works wonders to reduce pain and inflammation in the joint region, back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, blood purification and much more. As a result, the Caneleiro rapé is grounding, use it if you feel like your head is in the clouds. Rapé also generally helps health, acts on cell regeneration and balances hormones in the body. This snuff will give you the unique opportunity to connect with ancestral people and their medicine.
The tree called ‘Cenostigma Macrophyllum Tul’ in botanical language is very similar to the ‘Canela de Velho’ tree, ‘Maraximbé’ or ‘Fava do Campo’. However considering all its resemblances it still reveals slight differences and should not be labeled exactly the same. Caneleiro grows to a height of 10 to 20 metres and manifestst great beauty especially when the period of flowering perennials arrives. During that time it grows clusters of yellow flowers that attract insects and many birds with its scent.
Haux! Haux!
This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is supplied without express or implied fitness for a particular purpose. Use and enjoyment of this product is at the discretion, responsibility and risk of the customer. The information provided is purely for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as recommendations for specific use. Reed our disclaimer.