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        What is Amazonian Hapé (Rapé)?

        Rapé is a blend of finely powdered ashes from trees, wood and barks, medicinal herbs, and usually its tobacco based. Typically made with Mapacho, Hapé induces a heightened state of alertness and euphoria that surpasses most other natural, plant-based substances.


        The effects of Hapé are experienced quickly and intensely because the powdered snuff is inhaled through the nose. This method of consuming plant medicines dates back to pre-Columbian times and was first observed among Brazilian indigenous tribes.


        In 1577, herbal snuff was introduced to Europe by the physician and botanist Francisco Hernández de Boncalo. During that era, the European elite often used snuff as a remedy for headaches. In the 18th century, inhaling snuff became fashionable among the European aristocracy.


        Today, indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin continue to incorporate Hapé into every aspect of their lives. It is used in formal rituals such as puberty rites, initiation ceremonies, cashiri drinking festivals, social gatherings, and healing ceremonies, as well as for personal use to connect with nature and the healing power of sacred plants, either alone or with friends.


        Several tribes traditionally use Hapé, including but not limited to the Katukina, Yawanawa, Kaxinawa, Nukini, Kuntanawa, Apurinã, Ashaninka, and Matses. These tribes often create their own unique Hapé blends and have different methods of preparing the herbal snuff, including specific techniques and songs sung during Rapé rituals.


        From an indigenous perspective, Hapé is considered a sacred shamanic snuff with profound healing properties. It is made from various medicinal plants, each serving different purposes, such as inducing visions, boosting energy, and enhancing the senses with the aromatic fragrance of the herbs used in the blend. Given the wide variety of medicinal plants available, there are countless Hapé recipes, often closely guarded as tribal secrets.


        Sharing Hapé is traditionally a ritualistic practice among Amazonian tribes, which may include specific chants to activate the power of the Hapé and to bestow the healing energy of the forest upon the recipient.


        The ritual use of Hapé is gaining popularity worldwide, introduced to the West through ayahuasca ceremonies by traveling shamans and visitors who have spent time in the jungle with indigenous communities.



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